Veterinary Alliance for Inclusive Leadership
We Are The Change (W.A.T.Ch.)

Our Vision
Cross organizational collaborations aimed at improving our profession with the ultimate goal to help build one another up and foster a spirit of allyship and collaboration within the veterinary community.
Who is VAIL?
The Veterinary Alliance for Inclusive Leadership (VAIL) meets once per quarter to discuss initiatives and resources involving diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging in veterinary medicine.
Why should I join?
To network with peers and organizations who are also fostering an inclusive veterinary profession. VAIL members share resources, cross promote events and partner together to advance inclusion.
Who can join?
Any organization with DEIB as part of their organizational core can join VAIL.
What is expected of members?
We ask that you reply to emails and, whenever possible, have a representative at the quarterly meetings.
When do meetings occur?
Quarterly meetings are typically on Sundays at 3 PM Eastern Time.
Interested in Joining?
Please fill out the contact us form to begin.